5 Most Dangerous Tech Products of All Time


Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and isn't showing any signs of slowing down. But that doesn't mean everything is made good, Here are the 5 most dangerous tech products of all time.


Electric Blanket

Electric blankets can pose a risk of electrical shock or fire if damaged or not used properly.


Electric Deep Fryers


Electric deep fryers can pose a fire risk if used improperly or with damaged equipment. They can also cause burns if the hot oil splashes.

Gadget Flow


Segways can pose a risk of injury if not used properly, as they can cause falls or collisions with other people or objects.


Olympus camera

Olympus cameras can pose a risk of electrical shock, fire, or mechanical failure if used improperly or with damaged equipment.

 Li-Ion Battery

Defective lithium-ion batteries in laptops and smartphones that have caused fires and explosions.


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