OpenAI ChatGPT- Coolest Things You Can Do With It

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Beyond the hype and buzz surrounding ChatGPT, what immediate real-world uses can you try right now? Here are some cool day-to-day uses for chatGPT.

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It will help you to debug and create entire code snippets with an optimum code quality.

Debug, and Explain Code

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It can explain about anything in a best concise manner, like physics, biology, history, geography, etc.

Explain Subjective Topics

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Situational Based Question

You can also ask complex situational based questions, you can put in your exact situation and it will give you recommendation on what you can do.

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Generate Content Ideas

It can also help you to generate content ideas and scripts, be it a blog post or Email or complete YouTube videos scripts, etc

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Solve Homework Assignments

It can help you solve homework questions and assignments, be it Maths, English or Science.

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