Unleash the Power of Technology: A Beginner's Guide to Understanding What is an API?

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Image Credit | Appinventiv

What is an API

API stands for "Application Programming Interface". An API is a set of programming codes that enables data transmission between one software product and another.

The back-end systems focus on data storage and management, while the front-end systems consume the data through APIs.

APIs are a key component of microservices architecture and allow for a separation of concerns.

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Type of APIs

1. Private APIs

2. Partner APIs

3. Public or External APIs

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Partner APIs

Openly promoted but available for known business partners.

End customers or business users are potential target audiences for such app.

Image Credit | Skeps

Private APIs

APIs are solely used within an organization.

Apps are mostly built for company employees.

Image Credit | Skeps

Public or External APIs

Available to any third party developers.

Apps with public APIs are mostly designed for end customers.

Image Credit | Skeps

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