Shivam Singh | 12 Jan, 2024

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5 In-Demand Jobs AI Can't Replace in 2024

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Research Scientists and Engineers

AI helps scientists and engineers a lot, but it can't do everything they do because some parts of their work need human skills that AI doesn't have.

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Strategists and Analysts

AI cannot replicate the roles of strategists and analysts since these positions demand domain expertise and critical thinking abilities to extract insights and recognize patterns.

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Leadership and Management Roles

AI can't fully replace leaders and managers because these roles involve human qualities like understanding people, making strategic decisions, that AI doesn't have.

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Human Resources and Talent Aquisition Roles

HR professionals deal with a variety of interpersonal matters, including conflict resolution, employee well-being, and company culture, which involve emotional intelligence.

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Sales and Customer Support Roles

In sales and customer service jobs, it's really important to connect with people, know what they want, and adjust to their preferences. Human interaction is a big part of these roles.

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