Google's Free AI Course: Unlock Your Machine Learning Skills

Google offers a free Machine Learning Crash Course for beginners and those looking to refresh their knowledge, covering fundamental machine learning concepts.

Machine Learning Crash Course

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers a complete set of tools and services to help you do machine learning and deep learning projects using TensorFlow.

Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP

The Google AI Blog showcases AI and machine learning insights, research, and developments from Google, including articles, case studies, and announcements.

Google AI Blog and Research Papers

                                                                       The Coursera Deep Learning Specialization offers in-depth training in deep learning and is great for skill enhancement in this field.

Deep Learning Specialization on Cousera

AI Experiments by Google is a collection of creative web projects that teaches you about AI and machine learning in fun and interactive ways.

AI Experiments by Google

The TensorFlow Developer Certificate certifies your proficiency in using TensorFlow for deep learning. This course is free but the certification might be paid.

TensorFlow Developer Certificate

The Google AI YouTube channel shares AI and machine learning content, including research and demonstrations from Google's AI teams.

Google AI YouTube Channel

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